October 29, 2010

Final Days of the Fall Clearance!

It's the final weekend of our fall clearance sale at Vander Giessen's! If you haven't taken advantage of our 50% off sale on almost all plants, do so before prices go back up on Monday. The cooler, wetter weather we've had lately is great for planting shrubs, trees and perennials, so make some time in your schedule this weekend to get in a little more gardening before winter.

Several people have asked if we'll be closing after this week. NO! We're open year-round, so if you need any plants, the stock we carry through the winter IS available for sale. Remember, we're also stocked with birding supplies, lawn and garden products, and soon, our Christmas trees, poinsettias and wreaths, so there's always something to help you out if you need a gardening fix! 

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