February 2, 2011

Something New: "Wordless Wednesday"

In the world of blogging, it's not always easy to find time to keep things current--especially as the season gets busier, it can be challenging to keep our readers up to speed on what's going on at the nursery and in the world of gardening. That's why I'm starting something new: Wordless Wednesday!

While I will continue to post regular written updates on what's new, in bloom and looking good at the nursery, I'm excited to debut this new weekly feature for our blog. The saying "a picture is worth a thousand words" never fails to ring true--and sometimes, a picture can say it all. Don't worry, though--if the picture begs a description, I will add a caption!

Also, I would like to extend an invitation to you to submit your pictures of plants you've purchased at Vander Giessen's! We'd love to feature your garden, hanging basket or mixed planter for all to see! Simply e-mail us your favorite picture you'd like featured, and we'll make sure it gets posted (and don't worry, we'll credit you so you get the bragging rights)!

We hope you enjoy following us at Vander Giessen's as we start this new feature. Happy Wordless Wednesday!

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