December 15, 2012

Enjoy Garden Life Indoors

Winter is a great season for rest when it comes to gardening; after many months of work outside it’s nice to take a break. But if you find yourself missing the opportunity to exercise your green thumb—or want to plan ahead for those days in late winter when you’re sick of the dark, rainy weather and need a pick-me-up—there are great options you can take advantage of right now.

For many people, Christmas trees are a great way to bring joy, color and life indoors during the dark days of December. But to some, it seems a shame to purchase a plant they'll just throw out in a few weeks' time, so they decide to pass on the cut tree and opt for artificial. There’s another alternative, however, one that can add beauty to your home for years to come: a living tree.

Living Christmas trees are a great option if you have a flower bed that could use something with structure and height. If you're planning to purchase a tree sometime next year anyway, wouldn't it make sense to kill two birds with one stone and buy a living Christmas tree? You can enjoy it indoors for the next few weeks and move it outdoors after Christmas. In future years, you can continue to decorate it with lights to remember this year’s holiday—consider it a new family tradition!

Living Christmas trees even make nice decorations for your front entry or back patio during the Christmas season. Even if you don’t want it for your “official” Christmas tree, pot it up, add a few strings of lights and place it in a prominent spot outside--you’ll have an elegant and lasting decoration to welcome guests or simply to enjoy yourself. 

If you don't have room for a living Christmas tree in your yard but like the concept, consider a donation to the Nooksack Salmon Enhancement Association. They will gladly accept your living Christmas tree after the holidays and provide you with a receipt for your tax-deductible donation. It's a good feeling knowing your tree will help provide shade to a local stream and help salmon habitat.

Christmas trees aside, if you’re reading this you have at least some interest in gardening—and December is a perfect time to do some planting. Of amaryllis, that is! With their huge, colorful flowers that appear just eight weeks after planting, amaryllis are a fast-growing, easy way to bring life indoors. Available at Vander Giessen’s and other local nurseries, amaryllis bulbs can be planted indoors now to be in bloom for Valentine’s Day. And if you’re looking for a fun gift to bring to your family gift exchange, bring a gift-packaged bulb—it’s sure to be a conversation piece.

Finally, Christmas wouldn’t be the same without the classic beauty of a poinsettia. Whether you prefer classic red or opt for pink, white or a more adventurous color like speckled red-and-white, they’re not just for the holidays. After Christmas is over, put your green thumb to the test and see how long you can keep your poinsettia going. Fertilize regularly with a low dose of Jack’s Classic All-Purpose fertilizer and when the weather warms up next spring, move it outside. That’s right—next summer you can enjoy it in your yard! 

Winter is a great season for resting your weeding muscles and taking a break from lawn mowing, but it doesn’t mean you can’t still have some fun with plants. Enjoy the opportunities a living Christmas tree, amaryllis bulb or poinsettia can offer and make the most of this season. Merry Christmas!

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