April 13, 2013

Eager to plant flowers? Try Senetti!

Add vibrant spring color with 'Senetti'!
As we slog through the days of "April Showers" it's easy to get a little giddy when the sun comes out.
After all, it's almost time to plant, so why not get started and put out your geraniums, petunias and impatiens...right?

Well, you may be eager to push spring along and get your planting done, but unless you want to replace all your flowers in a couple weeks, it's best to wait.

Except for Senetti, of course!

'Senetti' pericallis--a mounding annual with a daisy-like flower--is a relative newcomer to the gardening scene and is starting to gain popularity amongst gardeners who want to get planting but don't want to worry about cool weather ruining their new plants. 'Senetti' prefers cool weather and blooms heavily through late spring and again in early summer after a shearing.

At Vander Giessen's, we have three colors of Senetti coming into bloom right now. These are large annuals planted in 1-gallon pots. Other stores around the area have Senetti available for $8.00 or more each--ours are just $4.99!

Check out the colors of Senetti at the nursery and get started with planting today!

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