April 18, 2013

Dwarf Conifers for Containers -- Part II

Last month, I wrote about some of my favorite dwarf conifers for growing in containers--you can read that post here. If you've ever struggled with knowing what to do with your pots in the winter or don't like having to change out your plants each season, growing small evergreen shrubs in your containers may be for you.

This month, I've got another list of more of my favorite dwarf conifers for your containers, but don't worry--if you'd rather plant these in the flowerbeds around your house, they're excellent landscaping plants, too!

'Slowmound' mugo pine
First off: mugo pine. I love the unique texture that pines add to our gardens in the northwest;  however, like many other overused evergreens, mugo pines have gotten a bad rap over the years. Beat up and neglected in shopping mall parking islands, they're often only seen as overgrown, mangled shrubs. And to be fair, many mugo pines have been used in the wrong places over the years. Even the traditional "dwarf" mugo pine wasn't really a dwarf--over time, it grew into a large shrub itself.

Not so with these two varieties, though! 'Slowmound' is a far superior dwarf variety that only grows to 1-2' tall in 10 years. With a very dense form and dark green needles, 'Slowmound' will add great beauty--and low maintenance--to any sunny, well-drained place in your garden.

'Teeny' is another great mugo pine that, true to name, is very small. Extremely slow growing with tiny, bright green needles, 'Teeny' would make an excellent companion to other dwarf or miniature conifers in containers or in a rock garden.

If pines just aren't your thing, there are plenty of other choices. Over the years, I've written about several great varieties of dwarf hinoki cypress--and there are dozens of varieties that each boast their own great characteristics. But if you like the idea of using a dwarf hinoki in a container, 'Gemstone' would be a wonderful choice. With an extremely tight, irregular growth pattern, it will never outgrow even the smallest spot in the garden or a nice pot on your patio.

A fourth plant that would work well in pots around your house is 'Jervis' hemlock. Unlike some conifers, hemlocks work well in sun, shade or just about any blend thereof. 'Jervis' stands out from other conifers with dark green needles closely held to the branches of the shrub. Its irregular growth pattern lends additional character--in fact, it's so unique in appearance you may think it looks almost artificial!

To be sure, these are just a few of the many great dwarf conifers that would work well in containers. At Vander Giessen's, you'll find these varieties and a lot more. Stop in today to see which dwarf evergreens would look good in your pots or yard!

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